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Pesto Is The BESTO...

Ok soooo I think I just made the BEST grilled cheese EVER!!!!! I got out the cast iron grill skillet with the grill press first thing when it popped into my head. After I turned the stove on medium heat to get them preheating I got to work thinly slicing some mozzarella, grape tomatoes and fresh basil from the garden. I test the skillet's temp by running my hand under water and splashing my fingers on the skillet, if it sizzles then you know its GO time. I drizzle in some olive oil and spread pesto onto both pieces of bread.Then start by laying one piece of bread right onto the skillet pesto side up, then lay out the mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, and then the last piece of bread pesto side down. Put the grill press on and let it sit for about 3-4 min and then rotate the sandwich 45 degrees for another 3-4 minuets. Flip the sandwich over and repeat...............that melted cheese with the crunchy toast and soft tomatoes....OH MAN its GOOD y'all!!!!!!! Try it and be sure to let me know how is goes!!!

Smiles are contagious I don’t care how o

Stay is hard at times. keep a smile on your face and know that tomorrow is a new day!!!!!  


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